
Revealed is a great radio show, its the voice of young Muslims. I was honoured when they invited me to one of their shows, to be interviewed about my blog.

I'm normally the one with the millions of questions, interviewing inspirational Muslims such as Elenany, Shea and HijabScarf, but being on the other side was completely nerve-racking!
I was so nervous, I didn't even know half of the things I was saying...and I wasn't prepared for it as well, it all came by surprise, but a very pleasant one!

Here is the full Podcast of the show:

11th July/ Episode No. 37 my interview starts in approximately 25mins into the show.

The three sisters, Kamillat, Zahra and Seliat were wonderful, they were great hostesses and made the show so insightful and interesting. Check the radio show out here

(Photography by Zinah, last one by this lovely guy, whos name I can't remember)

I'm wearing all Zara...

Love and Peace

Zinah Nur Sharif