I'm sure most of you have heard of Dian Pelangi, the infamous Indonesian fashion designer. I got the chance to meet her beginning of this year during her visit to London.

Coming straight from work, I sadly missed the lovely dinner with the rest of the girls, but still just managed to see everyone before they went off. Dian is indescribably kind, humble and sweet, I loved spending the little time I had with her. Although we've never met in person prior to this meet up, it felt like I've known her for years. Of course it was incredibly nice meeting everyone, the host Muna Ally, guest Basma Kahie and the rest of the lovely girls.

I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, but the lovely Muna captured the whole event and put it up on her Facebook page.

(Photography by Muna Ally & Dian's Husband)

Love & Peace

Zinah Nur Sharif