Pancakes with Fruit and The Women
Before I start ranting on about the film and pancakes, just want to let you know that my blog posts are back to normal…I am pretty sure people got sick and tired of the constant design posts :/ sorry. Anyhow, I shall be posting the usual stuff from now on, a bit of design will eventually slip in haha.
Fruit, Pancakes and The Women, the absolute perfect combination! Love, love love! I have watched the Women many years ago, and fell deeply in love with the film. Ever since, I have been watching it at least twice a year, it inspires me on so many level and I just love the entire cast!
The story is more than just a woman going through a hardship in her marriage (well basically her husband has an affair with this super hot chick!), and her friends standing beside her throughout. It's about the self discovery of the main character (Meg Ryan) and how she copes with all thats happening to her. Of course, its all about friendship as well!
I don't know what genre to put this film…It's a romantic comedy I'd say, but without much romance? Well figure it ourself, but you MUST definitely watch it! This film just makes you feel good, happy and bubbly!
As for the pancakes, I have mixed flour, milk, 2 large eggs and vanilla sugar (for a bit of flavour not as sweetener).
Then I used a flat pan and cooked the pancakes until golden.
I have cut strawberries and peaches, and sweetened the fruit with vanilla sugar. I did let it rest for a bit, so the vanilla sugar could melt inside the fruit and create some juice.
What better way to complete this breakfast dish than fresh orange juice? That's right, no juice from the box or can or bottle! Fresh, fresh, fresh
I completed the pancakes with melted strawberry jam, instead of syrup (not a fan of syrup to be honest).
(Photography & Cooking by Zinah)
Love and Peace