A very Happy New Year to you all! May Allah bestow you with a wondrous year full of love, happiness and success. May He guide us all and lead us to a better path, may Allah shower his blessings upon us and let us all think of those who couldn't see today, let us not forget that tomorrow is not guaranteed to all of us and let us be eternally grateful for every minute we get, let alone every hour or day!

2012 has been good to me and has brought me a lot of opportunities alhamdulillah. I am absolutely grateful to the one and only Allah the almighty that I had the chance to go through everything I have so far, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Let's count our blessings and complain less, we are far more fortunate than most and let us all keep those in pain, suffer, need and struggle in our prayers everyday!

Happy new Year my lovelies!

(Photography & Editing by Zinah)

Love & Peace

Zinah Nur Sharif